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In 2023, we took part in the first Tapathon to be held on the Isle of Mull.


The Tapathon is a nationwide tap dancing event to raise money for BBC Children in Need, with thousands of people dancing the same routine simultaneously round the UK.

Despite the name, thankfully it's not a dance marathon! 


If you'd like to take part next time, come and join us. All you need to do is learn one short tap dance routine which is suitable for complete beginners, and perform it in a group on the day. There  is  a  small  entry  fee,  which also gets you a Tapathon t-shirt, with the remainder of the fee going to charity. No commitment is required until October, so you can have some fun learning the routine before deciding whether to take part on the day.


If you don't have tap shoes, please come in your ordinary shoes, ideally not trainers as they have too much grip, something with a smooth hard sole is perfect. Nearer the time, you may want to purchase some, although you can practice without them.


Tap classes for beginners continue through the year at Craignure Village Hall on Thursday evenings at 6pm. Cost is £5 payg.

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